When Do You Meet?

We have two meeting times on Sunday mornings. We have our Celebration Service at 8:30, which features a blended music style consisting of hymns and praise songs. Our Contemporary Service is at 11:00, which features mostly contemporary music. Both services occur in our Sanctuary.

Sunday school happens between the two services at 9:45. Most Sunday school classes meet in the Family Life Center, with some meeting in the main building.

Where Should I Park and Where Should I Go?

There are parking lots on the north and south sides of the campus. Visitors should park on the north lot which has visitor parking spots to the right as you enter. Signs indicate visitor parking.

After parking, go to the front door of the Sanctuary where you will be greeted by our members and directed to a seat. You can also enter through the Welcome Center which is behind the Sanctuary. The entrance to the Welcome Center is adjacent to FM 724. Greeters will meet you there as well and direct you to a seat.

What Are the Sermons Like?

Our pastor, Dr. Chris Webb, has been preaching since 2002. He does expository preaching, which means he likes to “expose” the meaning of the original text to help the congregation understand the true intent of the Scriptures.

When applicable, he preaches topically. However, even when his sermon is topical, he seeks to utilize expository preaching within the sermon to remain true to the Word of God.

What Should I Wear?

Many church members dress casually on Sunday morning. You may see people wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt but also people wearing suits. Wear what makes you comfortable.

What About My Kids?

We have a nursery available where you can take children during services, though you are welcome to keep your children with you during church. We also offer Children’s Sunday School at 9:45, for kindergarten to 6th grade. Children’s Church does not meet on fifth Sundays.